
C.I.R.C.E.'s agenda

Interview with Lennon - server @ L200

the link to connect is available here

Monday, 7 June 2021 - 7 PM CET

On the 2nd of June 2021 we are guests at the first artist talk of the FMR - Loggia Meetups, physically taking place in Linz (Austria) and online on a Big Blue Button room.

We're excited to announce the Second International Conference

Philosophy and Technology - PaT

25-28 May, 2021

The venue is the amazing island of Pithecusae (Ischia)

The definitive schedule of the conference will be published soon!

Venerdì 9 aprile, nell'ambito della seconda giornata di studi “Codici differenti” organizzata dall'Associazione Orlando interveniamo come C.I.R.C.E. con il workshop "Il Gioco del Demone".

A hands-on auto-ethnographic workshop hosted by CIRCE using the Hacker Pedagogy method.
"Know thyself - know your daimons"

A hands-on auto-ethnographic workshop hosted by CIRCE using the Hacker Pedagogy method.
"Know thyself - know your daimons"

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