meet lennon -

meet lennon -

Interview with Lennon - server @ L200

the link to connect is available here

Monday, 7 June 2021 - 7 PM CET



the event is part of the 7a7 series - Alternative news from the digital world

Imagine there's no Cloud
It's easy if you try
No big data below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the servers living for today
Imagine there's no surveillance
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to sell or optimize for
And no addiction too
Imagine all the servers running code in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the Internet will be as one
Imagine no profiling
I wonder if you can
No need for trackers or cookies
A brotherhood of code
Imagine all the servers belonging to the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the Internet will live as one

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