Come navigare nel mare di cacca dei social network senza affogare

Come navigare nel mare di cacca dei social network senza affogare

attivisti radio digitale internet hackmeeting podcast

A grande richiesta ecco il podcast dell'intervento che abbiamo tenuto nel settembre 2021 come parte del percorso base dell'Hackmeeting 2021.

Il talk "Come navigare nel mare di cacca dei social network senza affogare" è parte del "Percorso Base" di Hackmeeting che ogni anno propone dei momenti dedicati all'afabetizzazione digitale: dall'installazione del proprio sistema operativo linux all'autodifesa.

Nel 2021 per la prima volta è stato inserito anche il talk dedicato alla sopravvivenza sui social network.

Potete ascoltare il talk qui:


Qui i due racconti letti in apertura (bonus track di Internet, Mon Amour):

Qui i link ad alcuni strumenti utili che vengono menzionati durante il talk:

  • F-Droid -
    F-Droid is an app repository that only provides Fully Open Source Software (FOSS) with no tracking or hidden costs. It offers to focus on privacy and security with safety precautions like avoiding leakage of browsing data, sending all data through HTTPS, Tor support, and converting supported languages in the metadata so as to not reveal your location.
    Hence, F-Droid looks like a good bet when it comes to safety of your data. That being said, we cannot guarantee that F-Droid, or any other apps store, is 100% safe, or safer than the Play Store itself. F-Droid è un catalogo di applicazioni FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) per la piattaforma Android.

  • News Feed Eradicator (per desktop)

  • Facebook Demetricator

  • Ethical, easy-to-use and privacy-conscious alternatives to well-known software:

  • NoFB event scraper:
    The purpose of this application is to get access to Facebook events without an account. Therefore it does not use the Facebook API. Instead it opens the Facebook event URI and downloads the website HTML code. This source should contain the event information in form of structured data. That data is extracted and used to create Android events.
    Does not use Facebook API
    Supports "open-with" and "share-to"
    Independent from Facebook regional sub-domain URLs
    Saves history of scraped events
    Handles upcoming events from pages

  • Slim social for Facebook:
    Wrapper around Facebook’s mobile website and APIs.
    It is lightweight: it weighs less than 100 Kb
    It has simple, modern design: there is only what you need
    It is Open source: the code of this app is online on GitHub, anyone can verify the authenticity of the app and contribute to its development.
    It is free and without ads
    it is not intrusive
    It respect your privacy: this app doesn’t require special permits. Without consensus Facebook can not access to any data of your mobile phone

  • Face Slim - Unofficial app built around the mobile Facebook site. Face Slim is an unofficial Facebook application for Android devices that resembles the Facebook Mobile Web Application before Facebook started removing features. FaceSlim is free of spyware, unlike what is built into the official Facebook and Facebook Messenger applications:

  • Tinfoil for Facebook - Browse Facebook’s mobile site with a simple web browser, which protects your privacy by avoiding the ability of the page and others to track your browsing history. It also includes other functionalities, like shortcuts to the
    notifications page or app settings to control whether your current location is
    to be provided to Facebook’s website.

  • Notifications For Facebook - Small Android app for getting notified (friends, messages and notifications) while being privacy-friendly. It doesn’t require the Facebook Platform to be turned on. It should be low on the battery usage.

  • UntrackMe: una volta impostato come predefinito per aprire i collegamenti di Twitter, YouTube e Instagram, li trasformerà in collegamenti Nitter, Invidious e Bibliogram e delegherà l'apertura ad un'altra app.
    Supporta anche i collegamenti di Google Maps per trasformarli in collegamenti OpenStreetMap o Geo URI.
    L'app rileverà URL abbreviati e mostrerà l'URL completo prima di visitare il sito.

  • Barinsta -
    If you don't upload posts or stories on Instagram, but can't get rid of it because of people and contents, you now have an alternative: Barinsta is a beautiful client that allows you to browse and interact with Instagram, while giving you more options to control your data.
    For those not having an account, you can access public profiles/hashtags/locations (depends on availability)!
    For those logged in, Barinsta can achieve most viewing and interaction features, with extra features such as downloading posts/stories/avatars, copying texts, comparing followers/following, and more!
    Prevents irrational decisions: Barinsta removes double-tap and requires you to click into posts to give it a conscious like. It also allows you to easily access posts you've liked through your own profile.
    Allows customization: Pick your themes and layouts! You could even use grid layout for feed!
    Allows viewing at your own pace: No need to "hold" a story or scroll endlessly! Zoom whenever you want!
    Not a mod: Absolutely NO dependency of the actual Instagram app.
    Free & Open Source Software: With the app's source code open for inspection, no need to worry about sketchy dealings!
    Protects your privacy from friends: Barinsta allows you to read DMs and stories privately, without telling your friends!
    Protects your privacy from Instagram: The app only requests what it needs to show you the content and what you opted for in the settings. No communicating with useless endpoints, and only minimal data is sent to Instagram.

  • NewPipe: Frontend YT Leggero - Almost the entire world uses Youtube, and I am a huge fan too. There were many such apps developed, but nothing could match its prowess. NewPipe is an app that has emerged as a tremendous prospect. It is in every way similar to Youtube, and it consumes very little space. The app even allows you to watch Youtube videos. With Newpipe, you could download videos at minimal data consumption and also not worry about privacy being harmed as Newpipe does not require you to be connected on Google accounts.

  • Twidere:

  • Gancio , Mastodon , PeerTube e altri multiversi

Buona navigazione!


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